Tsukino Administrative Scrivener Office (hereinafter referred to as "our office") handles personal information obtained from visitors to this website, clients, and others (collectively referred to as "customers") based on the following policy. Recognizing the importance of personal information, we ensure that all employees are thoroughly informed about this policy to provide safe, secure, and reliable services.
Article 1: Definition of Personal Information
The personal information defined in this regulation refers to information about living individuals that can identify specific individuals by name, date of birth, or other descriptions included in the information.
Article 2: Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Our office complies with the Personal Information Protection Law and other related laws, guidelines, and standards (hereinafter referred to as "laws, etc.") to manage personal information safely and appropriately.
Article 3: Acquisition, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Information
Personal information is acquired through lawful and fair means. Our office uses the personal information provided by customers to carry out our services and related matters. If deemed necessary to carry out the tasks requested by the customer, personal information may be provided to affiliated judicial scriveners and tax accountants with the prior consent of the customer.
Article 4: Management of Personal Information
Our office strives to maintain accurate and up-to-date personal information and prevents unauthorized access, leakage, loss, or damage to personal information. We continuously implement improvements and corrections to enhance information security.
Article 5: Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, etc., of Personal Information
If a customer requests disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or notification of the purpose of use of their personal information, we will respond in accordance with the law after confirming that the request is made by the individual. However, this does not apply if disclosing the personal information conflicts with the administrative scrivener's duty of confidentiality, significantly hinders our operations, or if the law exempts disclosure.